How to manage dental anxiety

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Do you feel uneasy or nervous before your dental visit? 

(You might even feel a little sweaty and want to take a cold shower just to cool down!)

You know your dental visit is important, but the thought of bright lights, sounds of drills buzzing in the background and what may happen at your appointment make you feel, well, anxious. 

Please know you’re not the only one that experiences these feelings of apprehension. 

Many people encounter what is called Dental Anxiety and it’s more common than you think. ?


There are common dental worries that even someone who visits the dentist regularly—and wouldn’t say they have dental anxiety—will express they also experience these worries. 

Some of the most common dental worries we hear are related to the potential for pain, embarrassment, cost and not being heard. 

These factors can induce anxiety that often leads to skipping a much-needed treatment, or not returning to the dentist at all. 

And we don’t want that for you! 



If you find that dental anxiety prevents you from treatment, or you want to have better control over your experience, here are some tips on how to manage dental anxiety. 


Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself on this one; express them so everyone’s on the same page. 

When you make your appointment talk to the staff about your concerns and continue to do that along the way, especially when it’s time to see the dentist. 

You’re not alone, and you’re definitely not the first person to have worries around seeing the dentist. 

  • Pain: This is where communication is key. Whether your pain tolerance is low, medium, or high comfort is the goal. Decide how you and your dentist will achieve this together. 

  • Cost: Whether it’s insurance or the expense, don’t let cost deter you. Many offices offer payment plans (we offer an in-house Integrity Savings Plan). Regular appointments will also help keep your cost down through preventative dentistry


Does Tina Turner in your ears help you get in your happy zone? (She is simply the best, isn’t she?)

Whatever you do to relax, incorporate that into your visit. (Except for the Dirty Martini!). 

Whether it’s squeezing a ball, smelling your favorite scent, listening to music that’ll make you feel like you’re on the dance floor, or watching your favorite show—entertain yourself for relaxation.


Don’t forget to breathe! 

It’s easy to tense up and the next thing you know you’re being asked to, “just breathe”. 

A few mindful deep breaths during your visit can help center you in the present moment and relax any tension you feel. 

Dental anxiety is very common, so please know you’re not alone with this. 

As a dentist we really have seen it all and your comfort is a top priority at Integrity Dental.

Don’t forget to speak up about any fears or concerns you have and utilize alternative relaxation techniques like listening to music and most importantly: breath