Why would a dentist recommend a tooth extraction?

The primary reason for recommending a tooth extraction is when there is insufficient tooth structure remaining to facilitate repair. This situation arises from extensive decay or gum disease, rendering the tooth unable to support restorative materials. Other circumstances include the removal of wisdom teeth due to lack of space in the mouth, or to create space for orthodontic treatments to align teeth properly. Additionally, extractions are considered when a tooth causes significant pain and the patient opts not to pursue restorative options, thus providing a straightforward method to alleviate dental discomfort.

Do routine tooth extractions require an oral surgeon?

Not necessarily. At Integrity Dental, we perform a wide array of extractions on-site. Referrals to specialists are reserved for complex cases, such as wisdom tooth extractions involving proximity to nerves or other complications. Our facility is equipped to handle both standard and moderately complex wisdom tooth removals, including providing sedation for patient comfort.

When are tooth extractions considered oral surgery?

Technically, the removal of a tooth is classified as oral surgery, regardless of the complexity of the procedure.

Will a dentist administer anesthesia during a tooth extraction?

Yes, to ensure patient comfort and alleviate concerns about pain, anesthesia is administered during extractions. At Integrity Dental, we excel in providing a pain-free experience during the extraction process.

Do extractions of premolars during orthodontics have side effects?

It is highly unlikely for side effects to occur from oral surgery, including the extraction of premolars for orthodontic purposes. While rare, potential risks include allergic reactions or prolonged bleeding in patients with certain medical conditions. However, such complications are exceptionally rare.

Can periodontal disease be halted by tooth extraction?

Absolutely. Removing a tooth affected by severe gum disease and bone loss can prevent the spread of infection to adjacent teeth, effectively halting the progression of periodontal disease.

How should I care for my mouth after a tooth extraction procedure?

Post-extraction care primarily focuses on managing bleeding. Patients are advised to use gauze to apply pressure to the extraction site for one to two hours to control bleeding and promote clot formation.

What happens if the blood clot comes out after tooth extraction?

Dislodgement of the blood clot from the socket, a condition known as dry socket, exposes the jawbone and can lead to discomfort and delayed healing. This situation requires prompt dental attention for treatment.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants after a tooth extraction?

The advantages of dental implants are numerous, with minimal disadvantages. Implants offer a durable and functional replacement for missing teeth, preventing the negative effects on oral health associated with tooth loss, except in cases involving wisdom teeth and orthodontic adjustments.

What are the do's and don'ts of tooth extraction aftercare?

Important guidelines include avoiding tobacco products, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, and the suction action from consuming thick shakes, as these can interfere with clot stability. Additionally, patients are advised against probing the extraction site with any objects.

Why can't I exercise after tooth extraction?

Engaging in vigorous exercise post-extraction can increase blood pressure and potentially dislodge the healing blood clot, leading to complications such as bleeding or dry socket.

What works best to preserve the jawbone after tooth extraction?

To prevent significant bone loss following an extraction, the optimal strategies include immediate implant placement or bone grafting, often utilizing biocompatible materials to encourage bone regeneration in the extraction site.

When should I schedule a tooth extraction procedure?

Extractions are typically recommended without delay to address immediate concerns such as pain, infection, or to prevent future complications, indicating the tooth's compromised condition.


Dental Extractions – Extraction. Unfortunately, just the word makes many people shake in their boots. There can be multiple reasons an individual may need to have a tooth removed. The most common of these is a tooth that has significant decay or a tooth that is causing a large amount of pain. At Integrity Dental, we always try to help our patients keep their teeth through other treatment such as crowns, fillings, or root canals. However, we understand that sometimes an extraction is in the patient’s best interest. We strive to make the procedure as pain-free as possible with a local anesthetic to completely numb the affected area before treatment. Thanks to modern advancement, implants have become a great option to replace an extracted tooth making final comfort and aesthetics very appealing.


In 1815, dentistry looked very different. Sugar consumption was becoming very high among the rich and so was the need for extractions and dentures. After the battle of Waterloo, there were looters who pulled teeth from the dead for the express purpose of selling them in order that dentures could be made for those wealthy enough to afford them. (Source)