How do you handle COVID-19 restrictions
Are you the closet-cleaning/home-makeover type?
Or do you binge-watch Tiger King and catch up on all the movies you love?
Whatever way you choose to make your time at home more enjoyable we applaud you because as easy as it would be to neglect oral hygiene, a recent poll says most people believe in the importance of mouth care—especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A recent Delta Dental survey revealed—
“91% of Americans believe taking care of their oral health now will help prevent other health problems later…69% of Americans agree the benefits of a routine dentist appointment outweigh the potential risks of delaying preventive care, while 67% of Americans worry about the negative long-term health consequences of delaying a routine dentist appointment.” –Delta Dental Institute
This is a healthy signal that patients want to practice mouth care at home as well as maintain dental visits for prevention (and other concerns) which is so important for overall wellness and general health.
So, you’ve brushed and flossed your teeth consistently and now it’s time to see the dentist. Let’s talk about what that may look like…
Is It Safe to Go to The Dentist During COVID-19?
Before you even go to your dental appointment, you’ve probably asked yourself if it’s safe to go to the dentist during COVID-19?
At Integrity Dental we’ve taken the American Dental Association and CDC guidelines into account to keep everyone as safe as possible.
And keep in mind, the dental field has been practicing universal precautions for a very long time, so we’re highly equipped with protective equipment (gown, gloves, goggles, mask, face shield, etc.) to lower the risk of transmission for potentially infectious disease.
What to Expect from A Dental Visit During COVID-19?
With peace of mind knowing your safety and dental health is of our utmost concern, it’s time to find out what to expect at your dental visit.
COVID-19 Dental Visit at Integrity Dental—
• If you feel unwell, or have been exposed to COVID-19, please give us a call before your appointment so we can reschedule you.
• A mask is required while waiting for your dental visit.
• We’ll kindly ask you to wash your hands upon arrival.
• Once you’ve washed your hands, we’ll check your temperature and have you answer COVID-19 screening questions.
• While you wait the number of patients in the waiting area will be limited.
• Common areas and surfaces are frequently sanitized.
• At this time, we aren’t routinely polishing teeth, but upon request, we’d be happy to do that for you.
• As for the vaccine rollout, dental offices were among the first to receive the vaccine.
Not only is it safe to go to the dentist during COVID-19, but it’s also important to not neglect the health of your mouth.
Routine appointments can prevent potential emergencies and save you money by using prevention and detection early on.
The world may be highly unpredictable right now but seeing your dentist doesn’t have to be!
Ready to have peace of mind with your dental health?
Schedule your next dental check-up with us today—we can’t wait to see you!